Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ayurvedic Remedies For Jaundice

Jaundice is a disorder caused due to vitiation of the pitta dosha: It is termed as kamala and when there is an excessive dissemination of the bile pigments in the lineage, then this ailment is caused. Pitta dosha joystick the bile pigments.

Jaundice is not a 
health in itself but a symptom of further liver disorders such as gallstoneshepatitis and cirrhosis. Also family transfusions and illicit drugs can take on an attack.

Ayurvedic Cause of Jaundice
In the Ayurvedic teachings Jaundice is a complaint of the 
pitta zone of the body, which denotes a build up of toxins in an ventral area that is causing an in-balance in the global dosha. You need to fire such toxins to rebalance the susceptible system and yourself.
Ayurvedic diet as cure and bar of jaundice

Foods that 
had better be avoided
  1. Non-vegetarian food
  2. Cakes
  3. Chocolate
  4. Sugar based drinks such as fizzy pop
  5. Ice best
  6. Alcohol
  7. Generally you have a duty to get around all packed foods
Foods that are recommended:
  1. Vegetables such as tomatoes and radish.
  2. Lemon
  3. Dry fruits like dehydrated datesalmonds and cardamom
Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies for Jaundice
  1. Ghritkumari (Aloe Vera)
  2. Kakmachi (Solanum Nigrum)
  3. Jaundice sultana
  4. Bhumiamla
These are all very straightaway vacant in the appropriate stores can be taken in a number of ways. Some like Aloe Vera are unavailable in ingestible capsules either purely or as aby-weightyconsequence of extra drug

Ayurvedic yoga pose for jaundice sufferers:
The fish situation (matsya asana), helps the metabolism to work inadequately again to heal a prerequisite such as jaundice.

The four 
stages of the fish posture:
1. Lie on your back with your feet law-abiding and area your hands beneath the thighs
2. Arch your back whilst crying on your elbows going away your head resting on the bottom
3. Whilst exhaling slowly argue this rank whilst keeping your torso unperturbed
4. To return to the prime locus lift your head then release the arms


Aantmanam said...

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